Mosaic Labrador Retriever. Any other color or a combination of colors is a disqualification. An example of a mosaic labrador retriever back to b b e e and beyond.

Matings of this dog to black chocolate and yellow labrador bitches were consistent with his producing only yellow e gametes at the extension locus. He was the result of a black female heterozygous for yellow b ee bred to a yellow male b ee and was mated with labradors of each of the recognised colours. Feb 22 2012 log in to your tumblr account to start posting to your blog.
Aug 30 2014 this pin was discovered by jeffrey fitzgibbon.
A small white spot on the chest is permissible but not desirable. A small white spot on the chest is permissible but not desirable. Labrador retriever coat colors are black chocolate and yellow as recognized within all written breed standards including akc and fci. The labrador retriever coat colors are black yellow and chocolate.