Maltese Terrier Dog. The maltese is a toy dog covered from head to foot with a mantle of long silky white hair. Find maltese puppies and breeders in your area and helpful maltese information.

Throughout his long history the maltese has been given many names such as the melitae dog ye ancient dogge of malta the roman ladies dog the comforter the spaniel gentle the. A maltese terrier dog is a mix of maltese and terrier parents. Little is known about the origin and spread of the maltese dog.
This dog is bred by the crossing of a maltese breed with a terrier of any breed.
About the maltese terrier this dog is also known as the ye ancient dogge of malta and has been around for quite some time now. A maltese terrier dog is a mix of maltese and terrier parents. This dog is bred by the crossing of a maltese breed with a terrier of any breed. The difference between a hybrid dog and the blended breed or crossbred dogs is that the hybrid ones have a strong ancestry as far as family is concerned.