Maltese Poodle Mixed With Chihuahua. 2 inches tall at the shoulder weight. The chihuahua poodle mix or chipoo is a cross between a purebred chihuahua and a purebred poodle.

Finally don t forget to trim those little nails too and remember that dental care is also highly important to reduce any potential dental diseases which may occur. Mixed breeds can help lower the risk of health issues faced by parent breeds. The chihuahua maltese poodle mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the chihuahua the maltese and the poodle.
These cute hybrid dogs may take the looks of both its parents either stay curly hair or short haired.
She has a life span of 12 to 15 years and is a small dog who participates in events for agility obedience and watchdog. 2 inches tall at the shoulder weight. Maltipoo maltese poodle height. Their coats the result of crossing a maltese and poodle are low shedding and low dander and may be more suitable for someone with.