Maltese In Heat Symptoms. This condition is caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart. If you think that your dog may have a stomach infection it is a good idea to.

Prompt treatment is essential to avoid complications and even loss of the eye. This does not mean however that the breed is without any problems. How often each cycle lasts.
If an un spayed female maltese has not had her first heat by the age of 1 year old she should receive an examination by the veterinarian to determine why her body has not started this natural process.
Therefore if your maltese shows the above symptoms take him to the vet immediately. A male dog can smell a female in heat from up to three miles away so predicting. The following are the top three health concerns. A maltese puppy can begin heat as young as 6 months of age but most begin around 1 year old if heat has not occurred by 16 months there could be a problem and a veterinarian should be consulted a maltese will go into heat twice per year for two weeks to a month each time.