Maltese Eyes Stain. The brownish color is caused when bacteria on the face. Tear staining is the reddish brown discoloration that is found on the hair under the eyes.

Tiny tear ducts are most likely to blame for the stains that accumulate underneath their eyes. Tear stains are common in dogs especially smaller breeds like the maltese and shih tzu. Maltese puppies do not seem to be afflicted by tear stains as much as older dogs.
Many light colored small dogs especially the maltese often develop brownish stains around the eyes.
While all dogs tear up to clean their eyes the white fur of the maltese makes the staining very stark. That great look is only very temporary. The stain around my maltese eyes started looking real bad so i just cut off the redish brown ones and he looks great now. This is a common cosmetic problem caused by an overflow of tears onto the area around the eyes.