Maltese Cattle. There is limited information describing the maltese breed of cattle. He is gentle mannered and affectionate eager and sprightly in action and despite his size possessed.

Brucella species are small gram negative nonmotile nonspore forming rod shaped coccobacilli bacteria. The animals are larger in size than most other common cattle breeds are brown in colour and with wide. The modern humped maltese cattle breed is characterised by a relatively short horns and is of a large size measuring about 152 180 cm high at the withers.
By 1887 roosevelt began to sell his interests in the cattle industry.
Comparison between maltese dog and australian cattle dog dog. Comparison between maltese dog and australian stumpy tail cattle dog dog. The maltese is a toy dog covered from head to foot with a mantle of long silky white hair. Comparison between maltese dog and australian cattle dog dog.