Labrador Retriever Pit Mix. Its a medium to large dog at about 17 to 25 inches tall weighing between 45 to 90 pounds. The labrador is considered by many if not most to be among the friendliest of dogs if not the friendliest the american pit bull.

Its a medium to large dog at about 17 to 25 inches tall weighing between 45 to 90 pounds. The labrador is considered by many if not most to be among the friendliest of dogs if not the friendliest the american pit bull. Because both parent breeds are highly intelligent and eager to please your lab mix will pick up obedience training with ease.
Because both parent breeds are highly intelligent and eager to please your lab mix will pick up obedience training with ease.
As mentioned breeders will end up costing a lot more than looking for your pitbull labrador retriever mix at a rescue. Pitbull labrador retriever mixes can be fantastic rescue dogs. Information and pictures of a labrabull also called the pitador a mix between a labrador retriever and the pit bull dog. Pitbull lab mix is a cross of a labrador retriever and a pitbull terrier also known as labrabull or lab pit mix.