Labrador Long Hair Golden Retriever. Long coated labs are still purebred dogs which can be entered onto breed registries. There are three common colors that are found in pure golden retrievers.

As two working breeds gamekeepers and those involved in field sports have been mixing the two working dogs for generations. Besides being efficient as a working dog it has also gained an immense reputation as a house pet because of its even temperament and fun loving nature. Perfectly designed to withstand the elements.
There are three common colors that are found in pure golden retrievers.
Golden retriever info temperament life expectancy puppies pictures cutting a golden retriever s hair step by guide 5 best robot vacuums for dogs with long hair all golden retriever when do golden retrievers grow long hair my retriever meet the breed golden retriever. They also point to the simple reality that labrador golden and flat. As two working breeds gamekeepers and those involved in field sports have been mixing the two working dogs for generations. By comparison the low maintenance labrador retriever s coat is short dense and shiny.