Brown Maltese Long Hair. The maltese is a diminutive dog with a compact square body covered all over with long flat silky white hair hanging almost to the ground. The drop ears with sometimes long hair and eyes surrounded by darker skin pigmentation called a halo gives maltese their expressive look.

The breed standard for the maltese sums it up. Have you ever wondered if there is a black maltese or maybe a brown maltese. The well built maltese seems to.
The maltese is a toy dog covered from head to foot with a mantle of long silky white hair.
It is a vigorous dog with a jaunty smooth flowing gait. If your maltese has long hair he can get sunburned on the skin where the hair is parted on the back. Tear staining will appear as reddish brown discoloration under and around the eyes of a maltese and is particularly prominent in contrast with the malt s white hair. The maltese is a toy dog covered from head to foot with a mantle of long silky white hair but words can t really convey the flashy visual drama and glamour of a maltese in full show coat.