Adoption Labrador Retriever. Lab rescue cannot guarantee the health age or temperament of any of the labs listed. Labrador retriever adoption singapore puppy adoption singapore labrador retrievers have the reputation of being one of the most sweet natured breeds and it is well deserved.

We are truly in unprecedented times in our world with changes occurring daily. Lab rescue cannot guarantee the health age or temperament of any of the labs listed. Click here to view lab dogs in new jersey for adoption.
S il se retrouve seul trop souvent ou ne dépense pas assez son trop plein d énergie il peut adopter un comportement destructeur.
These sweet girls are losing their home and need a new place to call their own. Who we are save a lab rescue is an all volunteer not for profit 501 c 3 organization that is dedicated to the rescue rehabilitation and rehoming of displaced labrador retrievers and labrador retriever mixes he is your friend your partner your defender your dog. Le labrador retriever a besoin d un maître qui l emmène faire de l exercice et qui soit présent car il supporte mal la solitude. Look at pictures of labrador retriever puppies who need a home.